Wednesday, March 08, 2006

The future of Blogs

I was wondering what would be the future of blogs!!!

1. Would Blogger (read Google) market the blogs such that they would take prints of your blogs, bind it into a book and sell it to you?
2. Would they go one step ahead and let you/your friends order online, make prints and send it to them?

Obviously they would be paying you some kind of royalty on this. But the sheer amount of resources they have built up in such a short span of time is humungous. Well it is a good idea, as I think some of the blogs are extremely funny and would save a lot of logistics problems for the would-be-author.

Anyways having a nice time here in Bangalore!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I dont think they'l sell it as books, as the content would be too large. Besides, its all online. What I think they may do is to categorize the existing blogs and sort the best ones at the top. What say?

Btw, I still think Google or other blogspots would be baffling of the enormous success of blogs and still would be trying to identify what to do for the future that would also be profitable and ethical. I think the variables are a bit high eh?