Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Ivide Elaam Kittum

Well, I shifted to a new address in a new city in a new country!!!

The office and my apartment are both in the same mall and so my life is going to be in and around the same mall, I guess...that is whenever I am not traveling. One good thing about this country is that they have holidays for the Malaysian festivals, the Chinese festival, the Indian festivals and go knows which other community.

I have to come down to the ground floor of the mall to buy a newspaper as they do not allow door delivery of newspapers in my apartment for security reason. So I woke up and walked down inside the mall. The still escalators and the empty corridors look haunting in the morning. And right now…well people do freak out on Chinese New Year preparations.

My office is getting done and so is my business development. So I guess for the next one month my posts are gonna be on conversations in Starbucks!!!

I was checking out this Indian restaurant in the basement and chatted up with this Tamil guy who was running it. I asked him what I will get for breakfast and he told me “Ivide Elaam Kittum”, which translates to “You get everything here”. That was so reassuring. Oh I haven’t told you guys about what happened after I ate ethnic Chinese here the last time…Well some other time.

Also, I can download videos from Google!!!


Thanu said...
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Sujith said...

Bins - thanu??? Funda kya hai?

yesbob said...

talking of videos - check out the two links on my prev post da . too cool.