Friday, October 14, 2005

A Good Read

Well I completed the story.

Sometimes I wonder how influential the end of a story, the climax of the movie and the end exams of a course are. If that doesnt have an appeal the entire 200 pages of the book or the two and a half hours of the movie or the 4 years of study might not seem all that good. The end is what you remember the most. But then it is the way you think. If you had a good read, a entertaining 2 hours and a rolicking 4 years, who cares about how it ended.

So if you ask me about the novel, I would say,"The narration is just as good and simple as it can get. But the end was a bit cramped. As in too many things happened in too less a time (or rather too less pages). It did not finish the way I thought it would. I thought a tragic end would have been a good way to end the the story." It portrays the mind of a 15 year old special child and reminded me of Forrest Gump all the time. So the mental picture I had was of our own Forrest when he was a kid.

But I guess it is worth a read.

The Curious Incident Of A Dog In The Night-Time

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